In this webtorial, we learned the FLOW5 C.O.A.C.H. pocess. C.O.A.C.H. developed by Coach Mel stands for “Core, Outcome, Awareness, Connect, and Highpoint”. This process is designed to help us guide our coachee towards greater awareness, learning, and personal growth.
Core – What is your highest intentions?
Outcome – What do you want to achieve?
Awareness – What fuels (or drains) you?
Connect – What is an action you will like to take?
Highpoint – What is a new insight you are learning?
The C.O.A.C.H. process emphasizes the importance of building a strong foundation, fostering continuous learning and observation, and asking powerful questions to promote self-awareness and growth. By guiding our coachee through these steps, we empower them to unlock their potential and achieve their goals effectively.